Political Correctness
This is has been called out before because it is so obvious and very detectable. Leftists are not funny because they try so hard to keep their humor within the politically correct Overton window.
The harder they try to joke, the more forced and obvious it feels. You can tell that every time they try to make a joke, they aim to make it as socially acceptable as possible, even their edgy jokes.
For example, they can joke about 9/11 because it's socially acceptable to be radically anti-America, but make a joke about any other incident or tragedy and they will lose their minds, making it about morals.
"How could you joke about families losing their loved ones? You guys have no morals! This isn't cute or edgy!"
"Anyway, so like, imagine if billionaires were on the plane flying through a building, killing thousands of people in America—haha so edgy amirite?"
Well, no, it's not edgy if the joke is accepted within the same space you're in. You know what would be truly edgy? Making a joke about trans people dying as a leftist. Oh, wait, too far? Yeah, stick to just making fun of Americans dying regardless of their sexual orientation. The minute you make it about a sexual orientation, the death joke no longer becomes funny. See what I mean? Even the "edgy" jokes have to be socially acceptable. Yawn. It's just boring.
Leftists Only Make Jokes About Things They Actually Believe In—It's Impossible for Them to Do the Opposite.
Most leftist jokes revolve around positions they truly believe in. When you, a random non-political person, tell a standard non-political joke, the punchline usually involves stating something so crazy that it's funny because no one, including you, believes it
Alternatively, it starts with a true statement followed by something untrue, which makes the whole package a “joke". However, with leftist humor, the line between belief and jokes blurs, making their jokes come across as forced or sanctimonious. They often struggle to joke about things outside their ideological framework, which limits the range and impact of their humor.
So, not only is it not funny because they are being politically correct, but it's also not funny because they joke about things they actually believe. This means they are simply restating their genuine beliefs in a humorous way. The joke isn't funny because it's absurd or unexpected; it's supposed to be funny because they believe it.
When Hasan Piker says "America deserves 9/11," his fans claim it's a joke. However, when he explains the joke, he justifies the actual statement, not the fact that he has a right to make the joke. Essentially, he "unjokifies" it by explaining why he believes America deserved 9/11, a terrorist attack carried out by someone who opposes everything Hasan claims to support.
This contradiction raises red flags about Hasan's sincerity regarding his stated beliefs; if he can downplay the actions of Osama bin Laden simply because bin Laden is anti-America, despite bin Laden being opposed to everything else Hasan claims to support, it suggests that Hasan prioritizes being anti-America over all other social issues he claims to care about.
Hasan purports to be a progressive for gay rights, but Osama bin Laden wanted to behead not only Americans but also any gay individuals regardless of nationality. I don't know, maybe someone who just killed thousands of people doesn't actually care about human lives and tries to justify his acts like any other psychopath would? Anyway, just because bin Laden was anti-America, Hasan chose to justify 9/11 and says that me, you, we all deserve it.
This is a pattern with leftists: anything anti-America, no matter how radical or ridiculous, they adopt it. Obviously, someone making a joke about something they believe in is different than someone making a joke about something they don't believe in.
A Nazi making a joke about Jewish people is not the same as a normal comedian making a joke about Jewish people. A rapist saying "don't drop the soap" is not the same as a normal person making a “don't drop the soap” joke. A terrorist sympathizer making a joke about a terrorist attack is not the same as a normal Twitter meme page making a 9/11 joke. A feminist saying she hates men is not the same as a married woman saying she hates men.
All these jokes become unfunny once you realize they are reiterating what they are saying in a humorous way, that takes the fun out of it.
I was once a leftist, and I can assure you, the jokes were never funny. It felt like a collective rebellious thing to do, like with your buddies at school, maybe drawing penises on walls or something. It's not that the jokes themselves are humorous; rather, it's the feeling of being edgy and cool that elicits a laugh.
The repetition of 9/11 jokes and puns has made them stale. These jokes aren't funny NOT because they're messed up, but because they are just echoing what they truly believe, avoiding any genuine comedic twist that could make them entertaining.
The only reason 9/11 jokes are still done by leftists is because it's the ultimate anti-America "joke," and they feel edgy even though they are only doing what is socially acceptable within their own group, which by definition, is no longer edgy. A 9/11 joke in 2024 is as cringeworthy as someone dabbing in 2024. There are more recent tragedies to joke about if you want to test your edginess; why not try those instead?