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Why I Refuse to Join the Stupid Starbucks Boycott Over the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Well first off, it’s the dishonesty.

Activists want you to believe:

"If you drink Starbucks, you’re funding genocide!"

Well, sure, if you squint hard enough and throw logic out the window. But what about the 100+ other companies? Their parent companies? Are we boycotting every single one of those too? Because, guess what, by your own logic, you're funding genocide too!


"Well, no, that’s impossible. We’ll just focus on one company to send a message and scare the others."

Oh, so now it’s not about who’s actually funding genocide, it’s about what’s "realistic"? Got it.

What message are you sending to these corporate behemoths? That they're too big and powerful to boycott, but you'll make a tiny dent in one company's profits—and that dent will be gone in a few years when you move on to your next Twitter crusade. Oh yeah, you really terrified them.

Here’s the problem, retards: You’ve just told every major corporation in America that they’re too big for you to take down, which defeats the entire purpose of using boycotts to send messages to other companies.

"We can’t possibly boycott all of them," you say. Well, how exactly is that going to scare them? You just admitted they're untouchable. Think, people. Think.

But hey, I’m sure your Twitter post got tons of likes, and that is what actually matters.

Meanwhile, you’ll wake up tomorrow, pay your taxes—you know, those taxes you leftists love—and, spoiler alert, that tax money will actually directly go towards Israel.

Funny, right? You spent all this time pretending that boycotting an overpriced latte is going to make a difference, when in reality, you’re writing the check yourself.

Let’s get something straight: Starbucks is an American company. I’m not boycotting an American business to pander to some foreign political cause, especially when the people shouting from their soapboxes can’t even explain what they’re boycotting for.


No, sweetheart, you’re really not.

Starbucks hasn’t funded Israel in any capacity since this all went down. The only controversy surrounding Starbucks is that they fired some employees who violated company policy by using their brand to push politics. And here's the thing—it was always their policy, no matter the issue.

This all started with a tweet that got tons of likes. No, I’m not kidding—that’s literally how it began. And if you’re counting on leftists to fact-check a viral tweet before they run with it, you’re in for a reality check.

Leftist activists don’t care about facts. Don’t be fooled by their overused insults like "You’re uneducated if you disagree with me!" or "You’re dumb!"—the truth is, they’re actually clinically retarded.

They thrive on mob mentality. They flock to the loudest, dumbest takes on Twitter. It has to be edgy in a socially acceptable way within their activist bubble—it has to sound heroic but completely devoid of logic.

And let me be perfectly clear: I’m America FIRST. I’m not boycotting our own companies, and I’m sure as hell not putting another country—whether it’s Israel or Palestine—above the interests of America.

The bottom line is this whole boycott circus is a joke.

You’re screaming about "funding genocide" while funding it yourself through taxes, you’re targeting a company that hasn’t done what you claim, and you’re so busy playing Twitter revolutionary that you can’t see the real world beyond your iPhone screen because, in reality, none of this is going to matter in a couple of years.

This isn’t the first time Starbucks has been boycotted and lost money; you just forgot because they bounced back quickly and solidified their place in the coffeehouse market.

And they’ll do it again.

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