Anita Bryant was the first woman with “balls.” And I don’t mean the kind we’re inundated with today—thanks to a world gone retarded where men in skirts demand we call them women.
Anita was different. She was beautiful, talented, and Grammy-nominated. Granted, that last part may not sound all that impressive now, given that the Grammys have devolved into a TikTok popularity contest and a game of who’s best friends with who in Hollywood boardrooms. But in the 70s, it mattered.
What really made Anita unique was her ability to see the future. No, she didn’t consult tarot cards or Ouija boards. She simply looked at the direction our culture was heading and called it like it was. Her insight was so sharp that, if you’re an atheist, her predictions might make you reconsider the existence of clairvoyants.
For those unfamiliar, Anita Jane Bryant was an American singer with three top 20 hits in the early 60s. She won the 1958 Miss Oklahoma pageant and became the face of the Florida Citrus Commission (yes, “orange juice lady”).
But that’s not why she’s remembered.
Anita became a lightning rod for controversy in the 1970s when she dared to say something that, back then, was considered shocking but now feels like the plot twist everyone saw coming.
“Homosexuals cannot reproduce, so they must recruit. And to freshen their ranks, they must recruit the youth of America,” Bryant famously declared.
And boy, was she right.
At the time, this statement caused outrage—even in a decade where homophobia was still relatively mainstream. Anita predicted what we now see so clearly: an entire movement recruiting the youth of America because, biologically speaking, they cannot grow their ranks through reproduction.
Elton John even took a swipe at her. Elton John faced criticism for touring Russia in 1979, he responded by saying, “I wouldn’t say I won’t tour in America because I can’t stand Anita Bryant.”
Fast forward to today: It’s not just gays “recruiting.” It’s the whole alphabet mafia—LGBTQIA+—and the T has now become inseparably tethered to the LGB.
In fact, the entire rainbow flag now centers on the T. We’re no longer just talking about adults living their truth; we’re talking about children being targeted with puberty blockers, a treatment that, by definition, can only be administered during adolescence. Unless, of course, you’re Dean Withers—who somehow aged without ever meeting puberty.
Blocking puberty means you’re intervening before someone reaches adulthood. That’s why they focus so heavily on indoctrinating kids while their brains are still developing. Schools today are more likely to teach a six-year-old how to “choose” their gender than how to read a clock. The result is confusion. And where there’s confusion, there’s exploitation.
Imagine a classroom of 30 children. Statistically, at least three of them could be swayed into questioning their identity by the intentional influence of activists masquerading as educators. Now multiply that by hundreds of schools across the nation. Confused kids, suddenly convinced they’re transgender, is no longer a rare phenomenon—it’s practically guaranteed.
Some of these children might even find themselves on a path of irreversible medical interventions, including drugs once used for chemically castrating sex offenders. And all of this is being paraded under the banner of “progress.”
Anita Bryant saw this coming. She predicted a cultural avalanche that, 50 years later, we’re all buried under. And she was mocked for it. But now, in hindsight, her warnings feel more like instructions from a time traveler trying to save us from ourselves.
So, here’s to Anita Bryant, a woman who stood tall while the world tried to tear her down. Rest in peace to someone who didn’t need the approval of Hollywood, social media, or the alphabet mob to know the truth.
America could use a little more of her courage—and maybe a little less of Dean Withers.