There’s a reason trans women are always angry—I don't say this because of some new groundbreaking study proving their brain chemistry matches that of the most violent criminals (though, if someone ran that study, I wouldn’t be shocked). It’s because, well, they’re men. If men are the most violent, then that would include transwomen, because they are men.
You can slap lipstick on a pig, but when you throw it in the frying pan, it still makes bacon.
I’m not a radical feminist, so this isn’t coming from an anti-men stance. In fact, I often push back against the insane rhetoric from radical feminism. But regardless of whether men are the most violent or not, they will always be physically stronger than the average woman. That’s just biological reality, which is why safeguards are necessary to ensure women’s safety when creating certain spaces.
Which is why it’s always confusing when activists try to argue against keeping men out of women’s bathrooms by saying, “You’re worried about trans women attacking women? It’s men who commit most assaults.”
Well, exactly. If our position is that trans women are men, then you just made our argument for us.
Nobody is saying "men can go into women’s bathrooms except for the ones who claim to be women."
We’re saying no men, period—including the ones who slap on a wig and demand access, should be allowed in women spaces. Your own fact don’t debunk our stance; they validate it. You’re the ones arguing that SOME men should get a free pass into women’s spaces based on nothing but their word, so actually, we should be the ones bringing up that fact.
This logic is as dumb as running an 18+ nightclub where the only requirement to get in is simply saying you’re 18. Why wouldn’t a bunch of teenagers take advantage of that? The same teenagers you just said love partying?
That’s why if a man enters a women’s bathroom and gets caught, he should face consequences—whether he calls himself Steve or Stephanie. No exceptions.
Now, back to the title, now, before anyone starts hyperventilating, let me be crystal clear: this is not an endorsement of violence. This isn’t “How Do You Kill a Transgender?”—mostly because the answer would be short: just wait. They’ll do it themselves. And also because, unlike them, we’re not in the business of promoting violence. We’re in the business of stopping it.
So, how do you deal with a transgender terrorist? Well, for starters, by not pretending they don’t exist. The media wants you to believe that the sudden rise in violent attacks by transgender individuals is just a weird coincidence, that's if they even mention that the person is transgender. CNN will deadname a mass shooter before they’ll admit he was trans. The fact that we now have an actual trans vegan murder cult is apparently just another bizarre accident of history.
Yes, you heard that right—a trans vegan murder cult. Then again, the entire transgender movement is technically a cult at this point. How do you know it’s a cult? Try leaving. Ask any detransitioner how they’re treated by the same activists who once sold him the illusion. Actually, just try mentioning a detransitioner in front of a trans activist—it’s like bringing up a rival gang in enemy territory.
And yet, even with trans terrorists using violence to push their political agenda—literally the definition of terrorism—we’re supposed to walk on eggshells because their feelings might get hurt. These people outright say, “Affirm whatever we believe about ourselves, or we’ll kill ourselves!”
That’s a hostage situation.
Think about it. The most common pro-trans argument is a hostage argument.
“Look at the trans suicide rate! If you don’t affirm us, you’re basically making it higher!”
Also, aren’t these the same people who claim that anyone who disagrees with transgender ideology is a transphobic bigot who hates trans people? If they really believed that, why would they think throwing suicide statistics at their supposed enemies would make them suddenly care?
That would be like begging Hitler not to gas Jewish people because it hurts Jewish people. That was the point.
Which just goes to show—they don’t actually believe that disagreement equals hatred. They just use emotional blackmail to guilt-trip people into compliance because they have no real argument.
And that’s just the 2 ways transgender activism mirrors terrorism. From using violence to push a political message, to hostage situations.
Now, statistically speaking, trans women (a.k.a. men in wigs) make up less than 0.4% of the U.S. population. That’s such a tiny fraction that, logically, there should be almost none of them in prison. And yet, there they are. The fact that this group is punching above its weight class when it comes to criminal activity tells you everything you need to know.
And why wouldn’t they be uniquely dangerous? Even trans activists themselves admit that mental illness and depression run rampant in their community, again—remember, the most common argument we get is, “Look at the suicide rates, look at the depression and declining mental health rate!”
Now, last time I checked, severe mental illness and unchecked aggression don’t exactly lead to peaceful behavior.
So what does depression do? It releases anger and aggression. This is not new information—mental health issues are frequently linked to violence. So if a group has a high rate of mental health struggles, wouldn’t it stand to reason that they might pose a higher risk for violence?
They’re doing a pretty good job of proving this theory right. I mean, A TRANS VEGAN MURDER CULT? Seriously?
So—what do we do about it? How do we stop the rise of transgender terrorism before we have a full-blown movement of unstable lunatics shooting up Christian schools, joining bizarre cults, and trying to intimidate anyone who dares to point out that they are not, in fact, the opposite sex? Well for one, we are a bit too late because everything I just listed has already happened.
Recently, during a public discussion, Fradd was confronted by a man cosplaying as a woman who didn’t take kindly to Matt’s refusal to indulge in transgender fairy tales. Here’s how the exchange went down:
“I guess I just want to ask—what does that have to do with the love of God?”
“Well, what does that mean in relation to the love of God? If God loves you, wouldn’t He want you to live in accord with reality?”
“Say that to me out in the car park. Want to say that to me outside?”
The classic “say that to my face” response. Except this time, it's coming from someone who insists they’re a woman while also issuing threats like an intoxicated frat bro.
Kudos to Fradd for keeping his cool, but this is not some one-off case of a single unhinged individual. Threats and outright violence from transgender activists against anyone who refuses to play along have become so routine that they hardly make the news anymore. Meanwhile, the media keeps telling us that they’re the real victims.
We’ve seen this before. Remember Ben Shapiro’s infamous run-in with Zoey Tur?
When Shapiro asked about chromosomes, Tur's response was:
“You cut that out now, or you’ll go home in an ambulance.”
“You cut that out now, or you’ll go home in an ambulance.”
Because nothing says “I’m a woman” quite like grabbing another man’s shoulder and threatening to put him in the hospital.
But the real problem isn’t just these individual outbursts—it’s the collective, seething entitlement of the activist class, a group that’s convinced they have the moral license to behave however they want because they’re “oppressed.”
In their world, you can’t even mention biological reality without being accused of violence, but when they threaten, intimidate, and physically attack people, that’s just “justified anger.”
And you don’t have to look far on social media to find open calls for violence against so-called "transphobes," complete with images of guns and slogans that make it abundantly clear: disagreeing with transgender ideology means you deserve harm.
Take Minnesota’s lieutenant governor, Peggy Flanagan, for example, who wore a “Protect Trans Kids” shirt featuring—of all things—a knife.
Or the numerous unhinged individuals on social media openly advocating for the assassination of J.K. Rowling:
"Why is J.K. Rowling still alive?"
"We should be focusing on assassinating J.K. Rowling, that wench needs to burn at the stake."
“I condone murder, I condone it. I dare you to stop me from going into a women’s bathroom—it’ll be the last mistake you ever make.”
These are not just internet trolls blowing off steam—this is a worldview that justifies and glorifies violence in the name of “transgenderism”, this is literally a terrorist group.
If people are allowed to justify violence by claiming their victims are “transphobes,” it opens the door to all kinds of horrifying consequences.
We’ve already seen it—transgender teenagers killing their own parents over perceived “transphobia.” A transgender nurse in Austria murdering a patient after their rejection of gender ideology. The 2023 Nashville shooting at a Christian school, where a woman who claimed to be a man targeted innocent children and staff.
Yet, every time this happens, we’re told to ignore the pattern.
The moment anyone brings it up, the response is, “Well, what about violence against trans people?”
But we don’t apply that logic anywhere else. Liberals rightfully condemn racist violence committed by white people, but they don’t feel obligated to immediately condemn violence against white people in the same breath.
They don’t demand equal airtime for every victim. They don’t make sure to “both sides” every situation.
Violence is violence. Terrorism is terrorism. The moment you start deflecting when it's brought up based on the identity of the perpetrator, you’ve made it clear you don’t actually care about stopping violence—you just care about protecting your side.
As Christians, how should we respond to this? On one hand, we are not called to be vengeful, cruel, or spiteful. Christ Himself endured unjust violence without retaliation and commanded us to love our enemies. That includes the people who despise us for refusing to bow to their ideology.
But Christianity does not demand submission to madness. There is a difference between mercy and stupidity, between kindness and willful ignorance. Some people twist Christ’s words to "turn the other cheek" as a call to tolerate all behavior, no matter how dangerous. That’s a lie. True charity means protecting the innocent and holding people accountable for their actions, not standing idly by while they trample over others.
Christianity is not a suicide pact. Yes, Jesus told us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. But He did not say to let violent lunatics roam free and terrorize innocent people.
Holding violent individuals accountable is an act of Christian charity—not just for their victims, but for their own souls.
Take, for example, a pro-life outreach event where a female professor walked up to a male volunteer, threatened to castrate him, and then physically assaulted him. Initially, the volunteer thought the “Christian” thing to do was to let it go—to forgive and move on. But the director of the outreach corrected him. Allowing violent people to escape consequences only ensures they will do worse next time. True Christian love demands intervention—not appeasement.
This applies across the board. If someone is violent, they need to be held responsible. Whether it’s reported to their employer, their school, or law enforcement, their actions cannot be excused under the guise of “activism.” We saw this exact situation unfold with Jordan Hunt, a pro-choice activist who kicked a pro-life woman in the face during a protest. He was later found to have attacked other people as well.
He lost his job and was sentenced to probation, which—frankly—was a light punishment. But at least it sent a message: You do not get to attack people just because they don’t agree with you.
For those who have bought into the transgender movement’s lies—whether you identify as transgender or not—here’s the truth. God loves you. And because He loves you, He doesn’t want you to live in delusion and confusion. Christian love means telling people the truth, even when it’s difficult.
We do not affirm anorexia in an anorexic. We do not affirm the self-destructive thoughts of an addict. And we should not affirm gender delusion in those struggling with it. At the same time, Christian love demands accountability. Just as a violent alcoholic must be stopped before they harm others, those who use transgender activism as a shield for violent behavior must face consequences.
That is the true balance—compassion for individuals, but an unyielding rejection of the harmful ideology they promote.
This isn’t about hate. It’s about truth—and a refusal to be bullied into silence. We will not comply.